Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
For those who love low-grade rivalries in pop may find it exciting to know that Katy Perry beat Taylor Swift in the race to be Forbess most-paid music woman for the year 2018. There are some candidates for the position farther down Forbes' top 10. Helene Fisher ranks at No. 8 just below Rihanna but ahead of Celine and Britney. Who? One thing is for sure, a German-Russian super-star who keeps her mouth shut in order to maintain the look of a normal woman. Reading extensive interviews reveals only that she is a fan of artisanal butter and was surprised that her husband who is a German television personality got her image tattooed on his arm. Fischer 34 is a person with a distinctive sound that is usually defined as biographical. It is the first type of bierhalle and oomphs over issues involving booze babes and the Bundesrepublik. Fischer, the faithful woman can be seen as the antagonist in this tune: she's the one with a heartbeat that skips and she stops breathing in contemplating her commitment to a partner who uses her femininity to inspire her instincts of protection. The classic themes of Schlager were an excellent counterpoint to Western-influenced pop that swept into Germany after the Second World war. Its popularity is being bolstered by the rise of baby boomers, and even above. Fischer's Christmas specials include a full-on all-star show which makes Jools Annual Hootenanny look as if it were Club X on the channel 4. Schlager has the relaxed, down to earth vibe of country music and Fischer has given it an aggressive synth-pop twist in the manner of Fischer were German Taylor Swift. Swifts advancement in pop music made her trendy. It is impossible to understate the lack of appreciation from critics for Fischers most awful songs.
Claudia Wells, an American actress, was brought up in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is now based in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for her performance as Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's girlfriend in the 1985 movie Back to the Future. Wells has also been featured on Stop the Madness a Reagan-sponsored anti-drug film that featured famous athletes, actors, and musicians. After that, Wells appeared in the film Babies Having Babies. And she played the leading role in Fast Times a television adaption of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia had a successful career and was a rising star in the world of Hollywood. However, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer Claudia was forced to take a break. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called As of today, Claudia has accumulated more than fifty credits of the theater and film industry, but she considers her true on screen entertainment career to still be ahead of her as she seeks out tough roles that stay away from conventional roles and stretch the boundaries. In her spare time, when she's not volunteering with charities or serving as an actress on set Claudia manages her upscale clothing store for men called Armani Wells which you can find out more information about on their website

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